Teaching women in ministry to lead in the local church.

Kelly wants to partner with you on your journey in Christian leadership.

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Women in ministry baptist women in ministry women’s ministry in the church women’s ministry women ministry ideas women’s ministry ideas for small churches women’s ministry ideas  Christian woman speaker Christian women’s speaker Christian speakers

01. Writings

Kelly is an accomplished author. She has made significant writing contributions through books, blogs, devotionals, and magazine articles.

02. Speaking

Kelly speaks on a variety of topics including ministry leadership, spiritual formation, building ministry teams, and leading Bible study small groups. If you are looking for a speaker for your church, women’s gathering, or training event, Kelly is the woman you are looking for!

03. Podcast

Kelly was the co-host of the Lifeway Women’s MARKED podcast and has had multiple guest appearances on other shows. Interested in inviting Kelly onto your podcast? We would love to hear from you!

Women in ministry baptist women in ministry women’s ministry in the church women’s ministry women ministry ideas women’s ministry ideas for small churches women’s ministry ideas  Christian woman speaker Chrstian women’s speaker christian speakers
Women in ministry baptist women in ministry women’s ministry in the church women’s ministry women ministry ideas women’s ministry ideas for small churches women’s ministry ideas  Christian woman speaker Christian women’s speaker Christian speakers

Kelly is the women’s minister at Quail Springs Baptist Church in Oklahoma City. She previously served as the manager of Magazines/Devotional Publishing and Women’s Ministry Training for Lifeway Christian Resources. She is the author of Ministry to Women: The Essential Guide to Leading Women in the Local Church. She is a contributor to the Lifeway Women’s Bible, as well as several Lifeway Women’s studies. In addition, she was the cohost of the MARKED podcast for Lifeway Women. She has a Master of Theology degree from Gateway Seminary as well as a Doctorate in Ministry degree.

Kelly King